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Posts from October 2009

My new home page, revised [Updated collection of great Silverlight/WPF Data Visualization resources!]

In the time since sharing my last collection of Silverlight/WPF Charting links, there have been some great new articles I'd like to highlight. And in case you haven't heard, we published the October 09 release of the Silverlight Toolkit last week, so please consider upgrading if you haven't already!

Here are the latest links (FYI: previously published links are gray):

Overviews (100 level)

Scenarios (200 level)

Internals (300 level)

Team Member posts (Partner level)

My posts (Ego level)

Many, many thanks to everyone who's spent time helping others learn how to use Silverlight/WPF Data Visualization!

PS - If I've missed any good resources, please leave a comment with a link - I'm always happy to find more good stuff! :)

PPS - The most recent version of this collection will always be pointed to by If you're going to link to this post, please use that URL so you'll always be up to date.

Creating something from nothing [Developer-friendly virtual file implementation for .NET!]

Have you ever used one of those programs that lets you drag a UI widget, drop it in a folder, and - poof - a file that didn't exist magically appears? Me, too - it's cool! But how does it work? Are they really deferring the work of creating that file until it's needed and then creating the file during the drag-and-drop operation? Yes they are - and now you can, too!

If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.- Sir Isaac Newton

Everything you ever needed to know about drag-and-drop in Windows can probably be found in the MSDN documentation for Transferring Shell Objects with Drag-and-Drop and the Clipboard. That documentation is a great resource for specific questions, but because it covers so many topics, it's not necessarily the best way to get an overview. For that, we turn to Raymond Chen's blog - specifically, a series he did called "What a drag" in March of last year. Raymond's example uses native code exclusively, but don't let that scare you away - his presentation and explanations are always engaging! Please take a moment to read (or at least skim) the following articles, or else the rest of this post might not make much sense:

Okay, so we know what we want to do and now we know how it's supposed to work! The first thing to consider is whether the WPF platform supports the virtual file scenario. And unfortunately, it doesn't seem to. :( Specifically, the DataObject class is where we'd expect to find such support, but the closest it has is SetFileDropList. And while that sounds promising, it's really just a list of strings with paths to existing files. Recall that the DragDrop.DoDragDrop method is synchronous (i.e., does not return until the drag-and-drop operation is complete), and the obvious consequence is that creating a virtual file on the fly isn't practical with this API. Specifically, the bits already need to exist on disk by the time the user starts the drag operation - but you don't know what data they're going to drag until they start! It's a classic Catch-22...

The natural next step is to consider whether subclassing DataObject would help - but it's sealed, so that's a pretty quick dead end.

Move on to consider whether the System.Windows.IDataObject interface used by DataObject would be useful. But it seems not; it's pretty much the same API as DataObject which we've already dismissed.

So that leaves us looking at the System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject interface which is a simple managed representation of the actual IDataObject COM interface that the shell uses directly. Clearly, anything is possible at this point, so if we can just channel our inner Raymond, we ought to be in business!


The good news is that I've already done this for you. I've even written a simple WPF application to show how everything fits together:

VirtualFileDataObjectDemo sample application


[Click here to download the complete code for VirtualFileDataObject and the sample application.]


What I've done is write a custom IDataObject class called VirtualFileDataObject that does all the hard work for you. All you need to do is provide the relevant data, and your users will be dragging-and-dropping virtual files in no time. And what's really neat is that writing the code to support drag-and-drop automatically gives complete support for the clipboard because the Clipboard.SetDataObject method uses the same IDataObject interface!

Let's look at the sample scenarios to understand how VirtualFileDataObject is used:


Text only

var virtualFileDataObject = new VirtualFileDataObject();

// Provide simple text (in the form of a NULL-terminated ANSI string)
    Encoding.Default.GetBytes("This is some sample text\0"));

DoDragDropOrClipboardSetDataObject(e.ChangedButton, Text, virtualFileDataObject);

This is the simplest possible scenario - just to show off that simple things stay simple with VirtualFileDataObject. Here's the signature for the SetData method used above:

/// <summary>
/// Provides data for the specified data format (HGLOBAL).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataFormat">Data format.</param>
/// <param name="data">Sequence of data.</param>
public void SetData(short dataFormat, IEnumerable<byte> data)

Note that it operates in "HGLOBAL mode" where all the data is provided at the time of the call. Note also that it doesn't know anything about what the data is, so it's up to the caller to make sure it's in the right format. Specifically, the right format for DataFormats.Text is a NULL-terminated ANSI string, so that's what the sample passes in.

Aside: The DoDragDropOrClipboardSetDataObject method used above is a simple helper method for the test application - it calls DragDrop.DoDragDrop or Clipboard.SetDataObject depending on what the user did. It's not very exciting, so I won't be showing it (or the VirtualFileDataObject constructor) in the following examples.


Text and URL

// Provide simple text and a URL in priority order
// (both in the form of a NULL-terminated ANSI string)

Another simple example based on Raymond's discussion of drag-and-drop into Internet Explorer. For our purposes, this example demonstrates that you can set multiple data formats and that formats other than those exposed by WPF's DataFormats enumeration are easy to deal with. Per the guidelines, supported formats are provided in order by priority, with higher priority formats coming first.


Virtual file

// Provide a virtual file (generated on demand) containing the letters 'a'-'z'
virtualFileDataObject.SetData(new VirtualFileDataObject.FileDescriptor[]
    new VirtualFileDataObject.FileDescriptor
        Name = "Alphabet.txt",
        Length = 26,
        ChangeTimeUtc = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
        StreamContents = stream =>
                var contents = Enumerable.Range('a', 26).Select(i => (byte)i).ToArray();
                stream.Write(contents, 0, contents.Length);

At last, something juicy! This example creates a virtual file named Alphabet.txt that's 26 bytes long and appears to have been written exactly one day ago. The contents of this file aren't generated until they're actually required by the drop target, so there's no wasted effort if the user doesn't start the drag, aborts it, or whatever. When the file's contents are eventually needed, VirtualFileDataObject calls the user-provided Action (not necessarily a lambda expression, though I've used one here for conciseness) and passes it a write-only Stream instance for writing the data. The user code writes to this stream as much or as little as necessary, then returns control to VirtualFileDataObject in order to complete the operation.

The file that gets created when you drop/paste this item into a folder looks just like you'd expect. And because VirtualFileDataObject supports the length and change time fields, Windows has all the information it needs to help the user resolve possible conflicts:

Windows conflict dialog

Here's the relevant SetData method (note that you can provide an arbitrary number of FileDescriptor instances, so you can create as many virtual files as you want):

/// <summary>
/// Provides data for the specified data format (FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR/FILEDESCRIPTOR)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileDescriptors">Collection of virtual files.</param>
public void SetData(IEnumerable<FileDescriptor> fileDescriptors)

It makes use of another SetData method that's handy for dealing with "ISTREAM mode":

/// <summary>
/// Provides data for the specified data format and index (ISTREAM).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataFormat">Data format.</param>
/// <param name="index">Index of data.</param>
/// <param name="streamData">Action generating the data.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// Uses Stream instead of IEnumerable(T) because Stream is more likely
/// to be natural for the expected scenarios.
/// </remarks>
public void SetData(short dataFormat, int index, Action<Stream> streamData)

And accepts data in the following form:

/// <summary>
/// Class representing a virtual file for use by drag/drop or the clipboard.
/// </summary>
public class FileDescriptor
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the name of the file.
    /// </summary>
    public string Name { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the (optional) length of the file.
    /// </summary>
    public UInt64? Length { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the (optional) change time of the file.
    /// </summary>
    public DateTime? ChangeTimeUtc { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets an Action that returns the contents of the file.
    /// </summary>
    public Action<Stream> StreamContents { get; set; }


Text, URL, and a virtual file!

// Provide a virtual file (downloaded on demand), its URL, and descriptive text
virtualFileDataObject.SetData(new VirtualFileDataObject.FileDescriptor[]
    new VirtualFileDataObject.FileDescriptor
        Name = "DelaysBlog.xml",
        StreamContents = stream =>
                using(var webClient = new WebClient())
                    var data = webClient.DownloadData("");
                    stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
    Encoding.Default.GetBytes("[The RSS feed for Delay's Blog]\0"));

Finally, here's a sample that pulls everything together in a nice, fancy package with a bow on top. The text is an informative snippet, the URL is a link to an RSS feed, and the virtual file is the dynamically downloaded content of that RSS feed! Way cool - it's like there's this big file sitting around that the user can drop anywhere they want - except that it only really exists on the web and it's always up to date whenever you drop it somewhere!

As you can see, the VirtualFileDataObject class makes the whole scenario really easy and approachable - even if you're not an expert on shell interoperability. It's pretty snazzy, I'd say. :)


There's just one small problem...

If you tried the drag-and-drop version of the last sample above on a machine with a slow network connection, you probably noticed that the sample application became unresponsive as soon as you dropped the virtual file and didn't recover until the download completed. This is a natural consequence of the DoDragDrop method being synchronous and getting called from the UI thread (like it should be). In most scenarios, you probably won't notice this problem because generating the file's data is practically instantaneous. But when there's a delay, unresponsiveness is a possibility. The good news is that there's an official technique for solving this problem. The bad news is that it doesn't work for WPF apps. The good news is that I can show you how to make it work anyway.

But that's a topic for another blog post - one that I'll write in a week or so... :)


Updated 2017-04-20: The sample behavior is slightly different on Windows 10. The cause was hard to track down, but feedback and investigation have determined that this code and sample work correctly as-is on Windows 10 (just like on previous versions of Windows). What's different is how Windows 10 renders the mouse pointer during a drag of a virtual file when only DragDropEffects.Move is specified. Although previous versions of Windows would show the "move" icon whether or not the Shift key was down to force a "move" operation, Windows 10 shows the "no smoking" icon by default and only shows the "move" icon when Shift is held down. The lack of fallback from "copy" to "move" on Windows 10 makes it seem like the virtual file drag part of the sample is broken, though it works fine when the modifier key is used. The workaround is to use the modifier key or pass DragDropEffects.Copy.

Two birds, one stone [Silverlight/WPF Data Visualization Development Release 2 and DataVisualizationDemos update]

The October 2009 release of the Silverlight Toolkit came out on Monday and the Data Visualization assembly includes some nice updates. I discussed the details of the new release then and promised to revise my samples to run on the new bits. While I anticipated doing things separately, it turned out to be easier to do everything at once. Here goes! :)


Silverlight/WPF Data Visualization Development Release 2

In the grand tradition of Data Visualization Development Releases, I've updated things to match the most recently released Toolkit code. In this case, that's the Silverlight Toolkit, so the code in the new Development Release is identical to what just went out with the Silverlight Toolkit. That means there's a bunch of new code for WPF here! People using Data Visualization on WPF can take advantage of the latest changes by updating to the binaries included with this Development Release or by compiling the corresponding code themselves. The release notes detail all the changes; there's nothing to call out here.

[Click here to download the SilverlightWpfDataVisualization solution including complete source code and pre-compiled binaries for both platforms.]


DataVisualizationDemos Sample Project Updated

The DataVisualizationDemos application is a collection of all the Data Visualization samples I've posted to my blog. Like the Data Visualization assembly itself, the demo application runs on Silverlight and WPF and shares the same code and XAML across both platforms. Not only is it a convenient way to look at a variety of sample code, it also has links back to the relevant blog posts for more detail about each sample.

Click here to download the complete source code for the cross-platform DataVisualizationDemos sample application.



  • New to this release of the DataVisualizationDemos is my simple Column annotations sample.
  • I've added out-of-browser support to the Silverlight version of DataVisualizationDemos so users can easily install it and/or run it outside the browser.
  • Both flavors of DataVisualizationDemos now take advantage of custom icons for a little bit of added flair: DataVisualizationDemos icon
  • Because this version of the Data Visualization assembly contains a breaking change, the DataVisualizationDemos project can no longer use the assembly that shipped with the WPF Toolkit (or else both platforms wouldn't be able to share the same samples). Therefore, DataVisualizationDemos uses the WPF assembly from Data Visualization Development Release 2.
  • Which means TreeMap (added after the WPF Toolkit release) can now be part of the WPF version of DataVisualizationDemos!
  • If you're doing cross-platform development, sometimes you'll come across a control that lives in two different places. When that happens, it's hard to share the same XAML for both platforms - unless you know a trick! My usual technique for this is to declare my own same-named subclass in code (which automatically resolves to the right platform-specific class thanks to the namespace):

    public class DockPanel : System.Windows.Controls.DockPanel

    And then use my "custom" control (after adding the corresponding XML namespace declaration):

    <local:DockPanel ... />

    That works swell most of the time - except for when the class is sealed like Viewbox is on Silverlight... So I came up with a slight tweak of this strategy that solves the problem:

        // Silverlight's Viewbox is sealed; simulate it with a ContentControl wrapper
        public class Viewbox : ContentControl
            public Viewbox()
                Template = (ControlTemplate)XamlReader.Load(@"
        public class Viewbox : System.Windows.Controls.Viewbox

    And then just use it the same as above:

    <local:Viewbox ... />


The latest Data Visualization release has some nice improvements - I hope these two updates help people understand the new functionality and make it even easier to upgrade!

Silverlight (and WPF) Data Visualization classes unsealed [Silverlight Toolkit October 2009 release now available!]

We've just published the October 2009 release of the Silverlight Toolkit as part of today's .NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010's Beta 2 release! One of the big things we've done with this release of the Toolkit is to add rich support for Visual Studio 2010's vastly improved Silverlight design-time experience. In fact, the new VS 2010 design-time experience has gotten so good that some developers have stopped using Blend altogether! :) I encourage everyone to have a look at the live samples for the latest release of the Silverlight 3 Toolkit, download the Toolkit installer, and try for yourself!

Other big news for this release is the introduction of comprehensive, WPF-compatible drag-and-drop support for Silverlight! Although this support doesn't extend outside the web browser (that would require changes to Silverlight itself), it enables full-fidelity drag-and-drop experiences within the browser using the same API that WPF users are already accustomed to. And if that wasn't enough, there are also a collection of drag-and-drop-friendly "wrapper controls" for common scenarios (ex: ListBox, TreeView, and DataGrid) that make it trivial to add support for drag-and-drop to an existing control. Dragging and dropping within a control (to re-order items) or between controls (to move items around) is now just a few lines of XAML away! (Note: No code changes necessary!) But wait, there's more: There's also a wrapper for Charting's DataPointSeries that enables drag-and-drop into and out of a live Chart control! This really needs to be seen to be believed, so please visit the "Drag and Drop" page of the public samples for a great example of this. Then go read Jafar's post about the new drag/drop support for all the juicy details!

Note: The October 09 release of the Silverlight Toolkit includes binaries for Silverlight 3 only. Now that Silverlight 3 has been out for a few months and is fully backward-compatible with all Silverlight 2 applications, we expect that everyone has upgraded from Silverlight 2 and are therefore no longer actively developing the Toolkit for Silverlight 2. Of course, if some of you have a specific need for Silverlight 2 Toolkit bits, previous releases continue to be available to download from CodePlex!


With the introductory stuff out of the way, let's move on to the details of changes to the Data Visualization assembly and the corresponding improvements to Silverlight and WPF Charting. My recent post on Data Visualization Development Release 1 has already discussed most of these changes at length, so I'm just going to include the change descriptions here. For more detail on the motivation behind these changes or their implications for current and future possibilities, please refer back to that post.

Notable Changes

Unsealed (i.e., removed the "sealed" modifier from) all core Data Visualization classes. Although we aren't yet completely settled on the public-facing API for Data Visualization and reserve the right to make breaking changes in the future, these classes are being unsealed now to help simplify a wide variety of user scenarios that are being actively developed and that are cumbersome without the ability to subclass (without needing to create a private build of the assembly solely for the purpose of unsealing these classes). Other changes were kept to a minimum, but a couple of methods have been changed to protected virtual for consistency and/or convenience as well as some tweaks that resulted due to new code analysis warnings due to explicit interface implementations in an unsealed class.

Introduced ISeries interface to Charting as "base interface" for all Series. This allows users to write ItemsControl-based Series which will automatically leverage all of the ItemsControl infrastructure for creating points, tracking data changes, etc. and also gives us a safe root for a future 3D series hierarchy. As part of this change, some interfaces have been cleaned up a bit (IStyleDispenser, ISeriesHost) and others have been created (IStyleDispenser.StylesChanged event). Also, some public methods with little justification have been removed/made private/moved lower (Chart.Refresh, Chart.ResetStyles, StyleDispenser.ResetStyles) and some vestigial code has been removed (ISeriesHost.GlobalSeriesIndexesInvalidated).

Various usability improvements. Updated Series to look for "LegendItemStyle" in their ResourceDictionary for increased customizability. Added Owner property to LegendItem pointing to owning Series instance to simplify LegendItem-based user scenarios. Added ActualDataPointStyle and ActualLegendItemStyle properties and used Bindings to automatically propagate changes to the right places. (Aside: This fixes a bug that was reported against the WPF Toolkit as I was making the change!) Moved code so that PieSeries now has the DataPointStyle property like the other Series. Updated LegendItem default Template to include standard TemplateBindings for Background/BorderBrush/BorderThickness for more friendly designer experience.

Breaking Changes

Renamed Charting's StylePalette to Palette (for clarity) AND changed its type to IEnumerable<ResourceDictionary> (from IEnumerable<Style>) for a significant flexibility boost. Performed related renamings (many internal/private): IStyleDispenser->IResourceDictionaryDispenser, StylePalette->ResourceDictionaryCollection, StyleDispensedEventArgs->ResourceDictionaryDispensedEventArgs, StyleDispenser->ResourceDictionaryDispenser, StyleEnumerator->ResourceDictionaryEnumerator.

Most notably, this change makes it possible to associate MULTIPLE things with a palette entry and enables designers to easily and flexibly customize things like the LineSeries PolyLineStyle in the Palette. Additionally it enables the use of DynamicResource (currently only supported by the WPF platform) to let users customize their DataPointStyle without inadvertently losing the default/custom Palette colors. (Note: A very popular request!) Thanks to merged ResourceDictionaries, this also enables the addition of arbitrary resources at the Palette level (like Brushes) which can then be referenced by DataPoints, etc..

Changed return value of Charting's IAxis.GetPlotAreaCoordinate from UnitValue? to UnitValue to better support custom Axis implementations. Specifically, some numeric axis types (logarithmic axis, for example) don't support all numeric values and need a way to indicate that certain values (ex: <= 0 for logarithmic) are "not supported" for plotting. This was previously done by returning a null value, but now the code should return a UnitValue with Value=double.NaN. Convenience method UnitValue.NaN has been added to create such values easily. Because the Series implementations already need to handle NaN values, this change collapses two different edge cases into one and simplifies the code accordingly. Added code to Series to handle this situation by hiding (via Visibility=Collapsed) DataPoints on coordinates that are not valid.

One notable consequence of this change is that the Visibility of DataPoints is now controlled by the Series and will be set to Visible or Collapsed as necessary. Therefore, any customizations that directly set this property may no longer work, but there are other simple ways of achieving the same effect and this change is not expected to cause any difficulty. For example, the "Sparkline" demo of the samples project was affected by this change because it provided a custom DataPointStyle that set Visibility to Collapsed. The fix is not only trivial, but an improvement: change the Style to specify a null Template instead!

Other Changes

Remove unnecessary code. Moved duplicated DependencyProperties IRangeAxis DependentRangeAxis and IAxis IndependentAxis from ColumnSeries and BarSeries into common base class ColumnBarBaseSeries. Moved duplicated DependencyProperties IRangeAxis DependentRangeAxis and IAxis IndependentAxis from AreaSeries and LineSeries into common base class LineAreaBaseSeries. Made similar changes for methods OnApplyTemplate and UpdateDataPoint and half of UpdateShape.

Simplified default Palette Brushes by removing ScaleTransform and TranslateTransform and replacing with RadialBrush. The on-screen visuals remain the same, but the XAML is considerably smaller and simpler - and should be a bit quicker to render as well!

Various other small changes.


Of the two breaking changes, only the rename to Palette is likely to affect most people. Fortunately, converting existing code/XAML is really quite simple - which you can see as I recycle the example I gave previously.

The old way:

<chartingToolkit:Chart Title="Statistics (Custom Palette)">
            <Style TargetType="Control">
                <Setter Property="Background" Value="Blue"/>
            <Style TargetType="Control">
                <Setter Property="Background" Value="Green"/>
            <Style TargetType="Control">
                <Setter Property="Background" Value="Red"/>

And the new way (with changes highlighted):

<chartingToolkit:Chart Title="Statistics (Custom Palette)">
                <Style x:Key="DataPointStyle" TargetType="Control">
                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="Blue"/>
                <Style x:Key="DataPointStyle" TargetType="Control">
                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="Green"/>
                <Style x:Key="DataPointStyle" TargetType="Control">
                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="Red"/>

It's pretty clear that once you've done this once, it'll be easy to do anywhere else your project requires. I explained the motivations for this change previously, so I won't repeat myself here - I just wanted to call out how straightforward the upgrade is expected to be.


Clearly, the big news for Data Visualization is the unsealing of the primary charting classes! Because I went into great detail on this earlier, I won't spend a lot of time on that here. Instead, I'd like to call out a particularly timely and relevant use of the new subclassing ability: Cory Plotts' LogarithmicAxis implementation for WPF and Silverlight! What's great about what he's done is that logarithmic axis support is one of our most requested features, and something we haven't had a chance to implement yet. I've always hoped that somebody in the community would be able to step up and share something here, so I was really excited to see Cory's blog post. If you're one of the users who's been waiting for a logarithmic axis, please have a look at Cory's implementation and see if it does what you need!

Aside: You might be wondering why we haven't gotten to logarithmic axis ourselves... Well, as you may be aware, we've been operating under severe resource constraints from the beginning, and that forces us to try to choose our investments carefully. When we're trying to decide between two features and one of them constitutes a change to the core of the Charting framework while the other is something that derives from an existing class to build on top of the framework, we'll tend to make the core framework change and hope that the community is able to help with the subclassing change. Honestly, this seems like the right balance to me and is a large part of why we're unsealing now even though the Charting APIs aren't completely set in stone.

Along similar lines, I encourage people who have been wanting to annotate their PieSeries charts to have a look at the fantastic work Bea Stollnitz has done: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. Bea built on top of the sealed Charting hierarchy using some pretty clever tricks and techniques. But now that we've unsealed, it's my hope that she'll be able to take advantage of that to spend more time working on the great features she's adding and less time trying to jump through artificial hoops. :)


There are two other things I'd like to call out here:

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, the right places to start are the Silverlight Discussion Forum or the WPF Discussion List. Bugs and feature requests can be logged with the Silverlight Issue Tracker or the WPF Issue Tracker. Please raise issues that are clearly unique to one platform or the other in the obvious place. But for general questions and things that are common to both platforms, the Silverlight forum/list is probably a better place because there's more context and history there.


Thanks very much for your interest in Silverlight and WPF Data Visualization - I hope you like the improvements!

Brevity is the soul of wit [A free, easy, custom URL shortening solution for ASP.NET!]

I tend to write pretty long blog post titles.

There, I said it.

That's the first step, right? Admitting the problem? Except I don't usually think it's a problem... :) Nobody's going to type post URLs, anyway - long ones are really only an issue in one scenario: Twitter. And there are already plenty of solutions for URL shortening, so why does the world need another one?

It probably doesn't. But I wanted one anyway. In particular, I wanted something ridiculously simple to manage that I had complete control over and that didn't depend on how my web site host configured their server. I wanted to be sure I could use human-readable aliases and never need to worry about namespace collisions (a problem with existing services because all the good names have been taken). Besides, I don't see the point in relying on someone else (or some other web site) to do something I can do for myself pretty easily.


So as long as I'm writing my own URL shortener, I might as well give it a special power or something, right? Well, one thing that seemed pretty useful (to me and you) was an easy way to list all the supported aliases. Therefore, when you navigate to the root of the redirect namespace on my web site, that's just what you'll get:

Custom URL shortener in action


Now, when I want to point to a blog or sample of mine, instead of linking to it like this:

I can link to it like this:

What's more, because these redirects are of the 302/Found variety, I can update where they go when new content becomes available without having to change any existing content. This is something I've wanted for my links post(s) ever since I posted the first version! Problem solved: from now on, the DVLinks alias will always take you to my most recent post of Data Visualization links.

Some of the aliases above use MixedCase and some use ALLCAPS - there's actually meaning behind that. When I create an alias I intend to be widely useful and expect to use more than once, I'll use mixed case like I did with DVLinks. But when I'm creating an alias just so I can post it to Twitter, I'll use all caps like I did for TWITTER. This way, it's easy to browse my list of aliases and pick out the particularly interesting ones.


Here's the complete code for the IHttpModule-based URL shortener I wrote last night. It's standard ASP.NET and doesn't use any .NET 3.5 features, so it should work fine on pretty much any ASP.NET server.

public class UrlShortener : IHttpModule
    /// <summary>
    /// The prefix (directory/namespace) for all redirect requests.
    /// </summary>
    private const string RedirectPrefix = "~/r/";

    /// <summary>
    /// Maintains a mapping from alias to Uri for all redirect entries.
    /// </summary>
    private IDictionary<string, Uri> _aliases =
         new SortedDictionary<string, Uri>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the IHttpModule instance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="context">HttpApplication instance.</param>
    public void Init(HttpApplication context)
        // Populate the alias mappings
        AddAlias("ChartBuilder", "");
        AddAlias("DVLinks",      "");
        AddAlias("SLHash",       "");
        AddAlias("TWITTER",      "");

        context.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(HttpApplication_BeginRequest);

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds an alias/Uri pair and validates it.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="alias">Alias to add.</param>
    /// <param name="uri">Uri to associate with the alias.</param>
    private void AddAlias(string alias, string uri)
        // Validate the URI when adding it
        _aliases.Add(alias, new Uri(uri, UriKind.Absolute));

    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the HttpApplication's BeginRequest event.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="source">HttpApplication source.</param>
    /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
    private void HttpApplication_BeginRequest(object source, EventArgs e)
        // Check if the request is a redirect attempt
        HttpApplication context = (HttpApplication)source;
        string requestPath = context.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath;
        if (requestPath.StartsWith(RedirectPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            // Extract the alias
            string alias = requestPath.Substring(RedirectPrefix.Length);
            if (_aliases.ContainsKey(alias))
                // Known alias; redirect the user there
                // Invalid alias; write a simple list of all known aliases
                using (HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(context.Response.Output, ""))
                    writer.Write("Supported Aliases");
                    foreach (string key in _aliases.Keys)
                        writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Href, _aliases[key].ToString());

    /// <summary>
    /// Disposes of resources.
    /// </summary>
    public void Dispose()

To enable this URL shortener for IIS 7, just save the code above to a .CS file, put that file in the App_Code directory at the root of your web site, and register it in web.config with something like the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <add name="UrlShortener" type="UrlShortener"/>

(For IIS 6, you'll need to change system.webServer to system.web and modules to httpModules - otherwise it's just the same.)

Tags: Technical

If all my friends jumped off a bridge, apparently I would, too [Just created a Twitter account: DavidAns]

Until today, I'd never gotten around to signing up for Twitter. After all, there are only so many hours in the day... But then Pete Brown (or should I say Pete_Brown??) stopped by my office for a quick visit and the topic of Twitter came up. Pete explained that he thought that Twitter would be a good way to help get the word out about Charting - and interact more directly with customers in general.

Sigh... he had me at "charting". So I've finally created a Twitter account: I'm DavidAns.

To set expectations appropriately, it is not intended to be a personal account (just like this is not a personal blog). You're not going to see posts about what I ate for breakfast, what bar I'm drinking at, or what I think about the guy who cut me off in traffic. Instead, my intent is to use Twitter like my blog - as a way to share cool coding tricks, .NET development tidbits, handy tools, and the like.

That said, I realize Twitter is a more socially interactive environment than a blog, so I can't promise everything I write will be 100% educational. :) But I'll definitely try to bias things way more toward signal than noise.

So if you're on Twitter and have a question for me you've been dying to ask, this is your lucky day. If not, don't worry - I'll continue to blog and answer any questions that come up there!

Give your computer insomnia [Free tool and source code to temporarily prevent a machine from going to sleep!]

The default power settings for Windows are set up so a computer will go to sleep after 15 to 30 minutes of inactivity (i.e., no mouse or keyboard input). This is great because a computer that's not being used doesn't need to be running at full power. By letting an idle machine enter sleep mode, the user benefits from a significant reduction in electricity use, heat generation, component wear, etc.. And because sleep mode preserves the state of everything in memory, it's quick to enter, quick to exit, and doesn't affect the user's work-flow. All the same applications continue running, windows stay open and where they were, etc.. So sleep mode is a Good Thing and I'm a fan.

However, sometimes a computer is busy even though someone isn't actively using the mouse and keyboard; common examples include playing a movie, burning a DVD, streaming music, etc.. In these cases, you don't want the machine to go to sleep because you're using it - even though you're not actually using it! So most media players and disc burners tell Windows not to go to sleep while they're running. In fact, there's a dedicated API for exactly this purpose: the SetThreadExecutionState Win32 Function.

But what about those times when the computer is busy doing something and the relevant program doesn't suppress the default sleep behavior? For example, it might be downloading a large file, re-encoding a music collection, backing up the hard drive, or hashing the entire contents of the disk. You don't want the machine to go to sleep for now, but are otherwise happy with the default sleep behavior. Unfortunately, the easiest way I know of to temporarily suppress sleeping is to go to Control Panel, open the Power Options page, change the power plan settings, commit them - and then remember to undo everything once the task is finished. It's not hard; but it's kind of annoying...


So here's a better way:

Insomnia application

Insomnia is a simple WPF application that calls the SetThreadExecutionState API to disable sleep mode for as long as it's running. (Note that the display can still power off during this time - it's just sleep for the computer that's blocked.) Closing the Insomnia window immediately restores whatever sleep mode was in effect before it was run. It couldn't be easier!


[Click here to download the Insomnia application along with its complete source code.]



  • Insomnia basically boils down to a single function call - but to a function that's a Win32 API and is not part of the .NET Framework. This is where a very powerful feature saves the day: Platform Invoke. For those who aren't familiar with it, P/Invoke (as it's called) lets a managed application call into the APIs exposed by a native DLL. All it takes is a dash of the DllImport attribute and a little bit of translation from the Win32 types to their managed counterparts. The MSDN documentation goes into lots of detail here, and I encourage interested parties to go there.
  • One popular resource for P/Invoke assistance is, where you can find managed definitions for hundreds of native APIs. But I usually just end up creating my own - if nothing else, it's a good learning exercise. :)
  • The Insomnia window has its Topmost property set to True so it's always visible and people will be less likely to accidentally leave their computers sleep-less. Other than taking up a small bit of screen space and memory, Insomnia consumes no system resources, so it won't get in the way of whatever else is running.
  • It is considered polite to leave things the way you found them, so Insomnia makes an extra call to SetThreadExecutionState when it's closed in order to restore things to how they were. However, this is really more for show than anything else, because the execution state is clearly per-thread and Insomnia's thread is about to die anyway.
  • I did a quick web search for similar tools before I wrote Insomnia and there are a few out there. Most of what I found was for Linux and Mac for some reason, but I'm sure Insomnia isn't the first of its kind for Windows. However, that doesn't stop it from being a nice introduction to P/Invoke - and besides, I'm always happier running my own code! :)


Finally, here's the implementation:

public partial class Window1 : Window
    private uint m_previousExecutionState;

    public Window1()

        // Set new state to prevent system sleep (note: still allows screen saver)
        m_previousExecutionState = NativeMethods.SetThreadExecutionState(
            NativeMethods.ES_CONTINUOUS | NativeMethods.ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED);
        if (0 == m_previousExecutionState)
            MessageBox.Show("Call to SetThreadExecutionState failed unexpectedly.",
                Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
            // No way to recover; fail gracefully

    protected override void OnClosed(System.EventArgs e)

        // Restore previous state
        if (0 == NativeMethods.SetThreadExecutionState(m_previousExecutionState))
            // No way to recover; already exiting

    private void Hyperlink_RequestNavigate(object sender, RequestNavigateEventArgs e)
        // Start an instance of the NavigateUri (in a browser window)

internal static class NativeMethods
    // Import SetThreadExecutionState Win32 API and necessary flags
    public static extern uint SetThreadExecutionState(uint esFlags);
    public const uint ES_CONTINUOUS = 0x80000000;
    public const uint ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED = 0x00000001;