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Posts from April 2014

Plug it in, plug it in [Sample code for two TextAnalysisTool.NET plug-ins demonstrates support for custom file types]

A few days ago, @_yabloki tweeted asking how to write a TextAnalysisTool.NET plug-in. I've answered this question a few times in email, but never blogged it before now.

To understand the basis of the question, you need to know what TextAnalysisTool.NET is; for that, I refer you to the TextAnalysisTool.NET page for an overview.

Animated GIF showing basic TextAnalysisTool.NET functionality

To understand the rest of the question, you need to know what a plug-in is; for that, there's the following paragraph from the documentation:

TextAnalysisTool.NET's support for plug-ins allows users to add in their own
code that understands specialized file types.  Every time a file is opened,
each plug-in is given a chance to take responsibility for parsing that file.
When a plug-in takes responsibility for parsing a file, it becomes that plug-
in's job to produce a textual representation of the file for display in the
usual line display.  If no plug-in supports a particular file, then it gets
opened using TextAnalysisTool.NET's default parser (which displays the file's
contents directly).  One example of what a plug-in could do is read a binary
file format and produce meaningful textual output from it (e.g., if the file is
compressed or encrypted).  Another plug-in might add support for the .zip
format and display a list of the files within the archive.  A particularly
ambitious plug-in might translate text files from one language to another.  The
possibilities are endless!


Armed with an understanding of TextAnalysisTool.NET and its support for plug-ins, we're ready to look at the interface plug-ins must implement:

namespace TextAnalysisTool.NET.Plugin
    /// <summary>
    /// Interface that all TextAnalysisTool.NET plug-ins must implement
    /// </summary>
    internal interface ITextAnalysisToolPlugin
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a meaningful string describing the type of file supported by the plug-in
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Used to populate the "Files of type" combo box in the Open file dialog
        /// </remarks>
        /// <example>
        /// "XML Files"
        /// </example>
        /// <returns>descriptive string</returns>
        string GetFileTypeDescription();

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the file type pattern describing the type(s) of file supported by the plug-in
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Used to populate the "Files of type" combo box in the Open file dialog
        /// </remarks>
        /// <example>
        /// "*.xml"
        /// </example>
        /// <returns>file type pattern</returns>
        string GetFileTypePattern();

        /// <summary>
        /// Indicates whether the plug-in is able to parse the specified file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">full path to the file</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Called whenever a file is being opened to give the plug-in a chance to handle it;
        /// ideally the result can be returned based solely on the file name, but it is
        /// acceptable to open, read, and close the file if necessary
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>true iff the file is supported</returns>
        bool IsFileTypeSupported(string fileName);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a TextReader instance that will be used to read the specified file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">full path to the file</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The only methods that will be called (and therefore need to be implemented) are
        /// TextReader.ReadLine() and IDisposable.Dispose()
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>TextReader instance</returns>
        System.IO.TextReader GetReaderForFile(string fileName);

Disclaimer: I wrote TextAnalysisTool.NET many years ago as a way to learn the (then) newly-released .NET 1.0 Framework. Extensibility frameworks like MEF weren't available yet, so please forgive the omission! :)


As you can see, the plug-in interface is simple, straightforward, automatically integrates into the standard File|Open UI, and leaves a great deal of freedom around implementation and function. Specifically, the TextReader instance returned by GetReaderForFile can do pretty much whatever you want. For example:

  • Simple tweaks to the input (ex: normalizing time stamps)
  • Filtering of the input (ex: to remove irrelevant lines)
  • Complex transformations of the input (ex: format conversions)
  • Completely unrelated data (ex: input from a network socket)

There's a lot of flexibility, and maybe the open-endedness is daunting? :) To make things concrete, I've packaged two of the samples I came up with during the original plug-in definition.



Loads files named like 3.lines and renders that many lines of sample text into the display.

Input (file name):



1: The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.
2: The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.
3: The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.



Loads well-formed XML and pretty-prints it for easier reading.






[Click here to download the source code and supporting files for the sample TextAnalysisTool.NET plug-ins]

The download ZIP also includes Plugin.cs (the file defining the above interface), a few sample data files, and some trivial Build.cmd scripts to compile everything from a Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt (or similar environment where csc.exe and MSBuild.exe are available).

Note: When experimenting with the samples, remember that TextAnalysisTool.NET loads its plugins from the current directory at startup. So put a copy of TextAnalysisTool.NET (and its .config file) alongside the DLL outputs in the root of the samples directory and remember to re-start it if you change one of the samples. To check that plug-ins are loaded successfully, use the Help|Installed plug-ins menu item.

Aside: Plug-ins are generally UI-less, but they don't have to be - take a look at what Tomer did with the WPPFormatter plug-in for an example.

It's not much of a prompt if the user can't see it [Raising awareness of window.prompt's troublesome behavior in Internet Explorer on Windows 8]

For as long as people have been running scripts on web pages, window.prompt has been a simple way to get user input. Although it rarely offers the ideal user experience, simplicity and ubiquity make window.prompt a good way ask the user a question and get a simple response. And as part of the HTML5 specification, you know you can trust window.prompt with all your cross-browser prompting needs!

Well, unless you're running the metro/immersive/Windows Store/non-desktop version of Internet Explorer on Windows 8.

Then you're in trouble.

You see, window.prompt has a strange implementation in immersive IE on Windows 8.x: it doesn't actually prompt the user. Instead, it silently returns undefined without doing anything! To make matters worse, this behavior doesn't seem to be documented.

The result is a certain amount of surprise and workarounds by people who rely on window.prompt behaving as specified.

Unfortunately, this is the kind of thing you don't know is broken until a customer reports a problem. :( But fortunately, once you know about this behavior, you can detect it and take steps to accommodate it. I got burned recently, so I've written this post to raise awareness in the hope that I can save some of you a bit of trouble.

In brief, there are three classes of behavior for window.prompt in Internet Explorer on Windows 8:

User Action Return value
Provide a response string (possibly empty)
Cancel the prompt null
Running immersive IE undefined (no prompt)

If this post helps just one person, I'll consider it a success. :)

Aside: While the choice of undefined for the immersive IE scenario is a reasonable one (it being a "falsy" value like null), I first thought it was at odds with the HTML5 specification. But on closer reading I think this behavior falls outside the specification which only concerns itself with scenarios where the prompt is displayed. So while I'd say immersive IE is violating the spec by not showing the prompt, its use of undefined as a return value is sensible and valid. :)

Further aside: If you think the chart above is all you need, you may still be in for a surprise. This page claims the Opera browser returns undefined when a user cancels the prompt - a violation of (my understanding of) the HTML5 specification.