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Posts tagged "Web"

Supporting both sides of the Grunt vs. Gulp debate [check-pages is a Gulp-friendly task to check various aspects of a web page for correctness]

A few months ago, I wrote about grunt-check-pages, a Grunt task to check various aspects of a web page for correctness. I use grunt-check-pages when developing my blog and have found it very handy for preventing mistakes and maintaining consistency.

Two things have changed since then:

  1. I released multiple enhancements to grunt-check-pages that make it more powerful
  2. I extracted its core functionality into the check-pages package which works well with Gulp


First, an overview of the improvements; here's the change log for grunt-check-pages:

  • 0.1.0 - Initial release, support for checkLinks and checkXhtml.
  • 0.1.1 - Tweak README for better formatting.
  • 0.1.2 - Support page-only mode (no link or XHTML checks), show response time for requests.
  • 0.1.3 - Support maxResponseTime option, buffer all page responses, add "no-cache" header to requests.
  • 0.1.4 - Support checkCaching and checkCompression options, improve error handling, use gruntMock.
  • 0.1.5 - Support userAgent option, weak entity tags, update nock dependency.
  • 0.2.0 - Support noLocalLinks option, rename disallowRedirect option to noRedirects, switch to ESLint, update superagent and nock dependencies.
  • 0.3.0 - Support queryHashes option for CRC-32/MD5/SHA-1, update superagent dependency.
  • 0.4.0 - Rename onlySameDomainLinks option to onlySameDomain, fix handling of redirected page links, use page order for links, update all dependencies.
  • 0.5.0 - Show location of redirected links with noRedirects option, switch to crc-hash dependency.
  • 0.6.0 - Support summary option, update crc-hash, grunt-eslint, nock dependencies.
  • 0.6.1 - Add badges for automated build and coverage info to README (along with npm, GitHub, and license).
  • 0.6.2 - Switch from superagent to request, update grunt-eslint and nock dependencies.
  • 0.7.0 - Move task implementation into reusable check-pages package.
  • 0.7.1 - Fix misreporting of "Bad link" for redirected links when noRedirects enabled.

There are now more things you can validate and better diagnostics during validation. For information about the various options, visit the grunt-check-pages package in the npm repository.


Secondly, I started looking into Gulp as an alternative to Grunt. My blog's Gruntfile.js is the most complicated I have, so I tried converting it to a gulpfile.js. Conveniently, existing packages supported everything I already do (test, LESS, lint) - though not what I use grunt-check-pages for (no surprise).

Clearly, the next step was to create a version of the task for Gulp - but it turns out that's not necessary! Gulp's task structure is simple enough that invoking standard asynchronous helpers is easy to do inline. So all I really needed was to factor out the core functionality into a reusable method.

Here's how that looks:

 * Checks various aspects of a web page for correctness.
 * @param {object} host Specifies the environment.
 * @param {object} options Configures the task.
 * @param {function} done Callback function.
 * @returns {void}
module.exports = function(host, options, done) { ... }

With that in place, it's easy to invoke check-pages - whether from a Gulp task or something else entirely. The host parameter handles log/error messages (pass console for convenience), options configures things in the usual fashion, and the done callback gets called at the end (with an Error parameter if anything went wrong).

Like so:

var gulp = require("gulp");
var checkPages = require("check-pages");

gulp.task("checkDev", [ "start-development-server" ], function(callback) {
  var options = {
    pageUrls: [
    checkLinks: true,
    onlySameDomain: true,
    queryHashes: true,
    noRedirects: true,
    noLocalLinks: true,
    linksToIgnore: [
    checkXhtml: true,
    checkCaching: true,
    checkCompression: true,
    maxResponseTime: 200,
    userAgent: 'custom-user-agent/1.2.3',
    summary: true
  checkPages(console, options, callback);

gulp.task("checkProd", function(callback) {
  var options = {
    pageUrls: [
    checkLinks: true,
    maxResponseTime: 500
  checkPages(console, options, callback);

As a result, grunt-check-pages has become a thin wrapper over check-pages and there's no duplication between the two packages (though each has a complete set of tests just to be safe). For information about the options above, visit the check-pages package in the npm repository.


The combined effect is that I'm able to do a better job validating web site updates and I can use whichever of Grunt or Gulp feels more appropriate for a given scenario. That's good for peace of mind - and a great way to become more familiar with both tools!

Everything old is new again [crc-hash is a Node.js Crypto Hash implementation for the CRC algorithm]

Yep, another post about hash functions... True, I could have stopped when I implemented CRC-32 for .NET or when I implemented MD5 for Silverlight. Certainly, sharing the code for four versions of ComputeFileHashes could have been a good laurel upon which to rest.

But then I started using Node.js, and found one more hash-oriented itch to scratch. :)

From the project page:

Node.js's Crypto module implements the Hash class which offers a simple Stream-based interface for creating hash digests of data. The createHash function supports many popular algorithms like SHA and MD5, but does not include older/simpler CRC algorithms like CRC-32. Fortunately, the crc package in npm provides comprehensive CRC support and offers an API that can be conveniently used by a Hash subclass.

crc-hash is a Crypto Hash wrapper for the crc package that makes it easy for Node.js programs to use the CRC family of hash algorithms via a standard interface.

With just one (transitive!) dependency, crc-hash is lightweight. Because it exposes a common interface, it's easy to integrate with existing scenarios. Thanks to crc, it offers support for all the popular CRC algorithms. You can learn more on the crc-hash npm page or the crc-hash GitHub page.


  • One of the great things about the Node community is the breadth of packages available. In this case, I was able to leverage the comprehensive crc package by alexgorbatchev for all the algorithmic bits.
  • After being indifferent on the topic of badges, I discovered and its elegance won me over. You can see the five badges I picked near the top of on the npm/GitHub pages above.

Casting a Spell✔ [A simple app that makes it easy to spell-check with a browser]

I pay attention to spelling. Maybe it's because I'm not a very good speller. Maybe it's because I have perfectionist tendencies. Maybe it's just a personality flaw.

Whatever the reason, I'm always looking for ways to avoid mistakes.

Some time ago, I wrote a code analysis rule for .NET/FxCop. More recently I shared two command-line programs to extract strings and comments from C#/JavaScript and followed up with a similar extractor for HTML/XML.

Those tools work well, but I also wanted something GUI for a more natural fit with UI-centric workflows. I prototyped a simple WPF app that worked okay, but it wasn't as ubiquitously available as I wanted. Surprisingly often, I'd find myself on a machine without latest version of the tool. (Classic first world problem, I know...) So I decided to go with a web app instead.

The key observation was that modern browsers already integrate with the host operating system's spell-checker via the spellcheck HTML attribute. By leveraging that, my app would automatically get a comprehensive dictionary, support for multiple languages, native-code performance, and support for the user's custom dictionary. #winning!

Aside: The (very related) forceSpellCheck API isn't supported by any browser I've tried. Fortunately, it's not needed for Firefox, its absence can be coded around for Chrome, and there's a simple manual workaround for Internet Explorer. Click the "Help / About" link in the app for more information.


Inspired by web browsers' native support for spell-checking, I've created Spell✔ (a.k.a. SpellV), a simple app that makes it easy to spell-check with a browser. Click the link to try it out now - it's offline-enabled, so you can use it again later even without a network connection!

To import content, Spell✔ supports pasting text from the clipboard, drag-dropping a file, or browsing the folder structure. For a customized experience, you can switch among multiple views of the data, including:

  • Original text (duh...)
  • Unique words, sorted alphabetically and displayed compactly for easy scanning
  • HTML/XML content (including text, comments, and attributes)
  • JSON content (string values only)
  • JavaScript code comments and string literals

Read more about how Spell✔ works, how it was built, or check out the code on the GitHub page for SpellV!

Not another POODLE pun [Batch script to disable SSL 3.0 on Windows servers - including virtual machines and Azure cloud services]

Much has been penned (and punned) recently about POODLE, the "Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption" security vulnerability. If you're not familiar with it, the Wikipedia entry for POODLE is a good start and Troy Hunt's POODLE treatise provides more detail.

Assuming you've made the decision to disable SSL 3.0 to mitigate POODLE attacks, this Azure Blog post includes a two-part batch/PowerShell script to do that. Based on the information in KB245030, that script can be run on a bare OS, a VM, or as part of an Azure cloud service.

It's a fine script as scripts go [ :) ], but maybe you're not a PowerShell fanatic or maybe you'd prefer a single file and/or less code to audit. If so, I present the following batch-only script for your consideration:

@echo off
set LOG=%~d0\DisableSslv3.log
set SSLKEY=HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\SSL 3.0

call :MAIN >> %LOG% 2>&1

goto :EOF


REM Show current SSL 3.0 configuration
reg.exe query "%SSLKEY%" /s

REM Check current SSL 3.0 configuration
for /f "tokens=3" %%v in ('reg.exe query "%SSLKEY%\Server" /v Enabled') do (
    if NOT "0x0"=="%%v" set REBOOT=Y
for /f "tokens=3" %%v in ('reg.exe query "%SSLKEY%\Client" /v DisabledByDefault') do (
    if NOT "0x1"=="%%v" set REBOOT=Y

REM Update and reboot if necessary
if "%REBOOT%"=="Y" (
    echo Update needed to disable SSL 3.0.
    reg.exe add "%SSLKEY%\Server" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
    reg.exe add "%SSLKEY%\Client" /v DisabledByDefault /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
    echo Rebooting to apply changes...
    shutdown.exe /r /c "Rebooting to disable SSL 3.0" /f /d p:2:4
) else (
    echo SSL 3.0 already disabled.

goto :EOF


  • This is a riff on the aforementioned script, meant to serve as a jumping-off point and alternate approach.
  • Like the original script, this one is idempotent and can be safely run multiple times (for example, every startup) on a bare OS, VM, or cloud service. The log file is additive, so you can see if it ever made changes.
  • Security Advisory 3009008 only mentions disabling SSL 3.0 for server scenarios; this script also disables it for client scenarios to protect outgoing connections to machines that have not been secured.
  • I work almost exclusively with recent OS releases on Azure; SSL 2.0 is already disabled there, so this script leaves those settings alone. André Klingsheim's post on hardening Windows Server provides more context.
  • An immediate reboot is performed whenever changes are made - consider commenting that line out during testing. :)
  • While reviewing this post, I found a discussion of related techniques on Server Fault which may also be of interest.

Whatever you do to address the POODLE vulnerability, be sure to check your work, perhaps with one of the following oft-recommended resources:

"That's a funny looking warthog", a post about mocking Grunt [gruntMock is a simple mock for testing Grunt.js multi-tasks]

While writing the grunt-check-pages task for Grunt.js, I wanted a way to test the complete lifecycle: to load the task in a test context, run it against various inputs, and validate the output. It didn't seem practical to call into Grunt itself, so I looked around for a mock implementation of Grunt. There were plenty of mocks for use with Grunt, but I didn't find anything that mocked the API itself. So I wrote a very simple one and used it for testing.

That worked well, so I wanted to formalize my gruntMock implementation and post it as an npm package for others to use. Along the way, I added a bunch of additional API support and pulled in domain-based exception handling for a clean, self-contained implementation. As I hoped, updating grunt-check-pages made its tests simpler and more consistent.

Although gruntMock doesn't implement the complete Grunt API, it implements enough of it that I expect most tasks to be able to use it pretty easily. If not, please let me know what's missing! :)


For more context, here's part of the introductory section of

gruntMock is simple mock object that simulates the Grunt task runner for multi-tasks and can be easily integrated into a unit testing environment such as Nodeunit. gruntMock invokes tasks the same way Grunt does and exposes (almost) the same set of APIs. After providing input to a task, gruntMock runs and captures its output so tests can verify expected behavior. Task success and failure are unified, so it's easy to write positive and negative tests.

Here's what gruntMock looks like in a simple scenario under Nodeunit:

var gruntMock = require('gruntmock');
var example = require('./example-task.js');

exports.exampleTest = {

  pass: function(test) {
    var mock = gruntMock.create({
      target: 'pass',
      files: [
        { src: ['unused.txt'] }
      options: { str: 'string', num: 1 }
    mock.invoke(example, function(err) {
      test.equal(mock.logOk.length, 1);
      test.equal(mock.logOk[0], 'pass');
      test.equal(mock.logError.length, 0);

  fail: function(test) {
    var mock = gruntMock.create({ target: 'fail' });
    mock.invoke(example, function(err) {
      test.equal(err.message, 'fail');


For a more in-depth example, have a look at the use of gruntMock by grunt-check-pages. That shows off integration with other mocks (specifically nock, a nice HTTP server mock) as well as the testOutput helper function that's used to validate each test case's output without duplicating code. It also demonstrates how gruntMock's unified handling of success and failure allows for clean, consistent testing of input validation, happy path, and failure scenarios.

To learn more - or experiment with gruntMock - visit gruntMock on npm or gruntMock on GitHub.

Happy mocking!

Say goodbye to dead links and inconsistent formatting [grunt-check-pages is a simple Grunt task to check various aspects of a web page for correctness]

As part of converting my blog to a custom Node.js app, I wrote a set of tests to validate its routes, structure, content, and behavior (using mocha/grunt-mocha-test). Most of these tests are specific to my blog, but some are broadly applicable and I wanted to make them available to anyone who was interested. So I created a Grunt plugin and published it to npm:


An important aspect of creating web sites is to validate the structure and content of their pages. The checkPages task provides an easy way to integrate this testing into your normal Grunt workflow.

By providing a list of pages to scan, the task can:


Link validation is fairly uncontroversial: you want to ensure each hyperlink on a page points to valid content. grunt-check-pages supports the standard HTML link types (ex: <a href="..."/>, <img src="..."/>) and makes an HTTP HEAD request to each link to make sure it's valid. (Because some web servers misbehave, the task also tries a GET request before reporting a link broken.) There are options to limit checking to same-domain links, to disallow links that redirect, and to provide a set of known-broken links to ignore. (FYI: Links in draft elements (ex: picture) are not supported for now.)

XHTML compliance might be a little controversial. I'm not here to persuade you to love XHTML - but I do have some experience parsing HTML and can reasonably make a few claims:

  • HTML syntax errors are tricky for browsers to interpret and (historically) no two work the same way
  • Parsing ambiguity leads to rendering issues which create browser-specific quirks and surprises
  • HTML5 is more prescriptive about invalid syntax, but nothing beats a well-formed document
  • Being able to confidently parse web pages with simple tools is pleasant and quite handy
  • Putting a close '/' on your img and br tags is a small price to pay for peace of mind :)

Accordingly, grunt-check-pages will (optionally) parse each page as XML and report the issues it finds.


  checkPages: {
    development: {
      options: {
        pageUrls: [
        checkLinks: true,
        onlySameDomainLinks: true,
        disallowRedirect: false,
        linksToIgnore: [
        checkXhtml: true
    production: {
      options: {
        pageUrls: [
        checkLinks: true,
        checkXhtml: true

Something I find useful (and outline above) is to define separate configurations for development and production. My development configuration limits itself to links within the blog and ignores some that don't work when I'm self-hosting. My production configuration tests everything across a broader set of pages. This lets me iterate quickly during development while validating the live deployment more thoroughly.

If you'd like to incorporate grunt-check-pages into your workflow, you can get it via grunt-check-pages on npm or grunt-check-pages on GitHub. And if you have any feedback, please let me know!


Footnote: grunt-check-pages is not a site crawler; it looks at exactly the set of pages you ask it to. If you're looking for a crawler, you may be interested in something like grunt-link-checker (though I haven't used it myself).

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me [Open-sourcing PassWeb: A simple, secure, cloud-based password manager]

I've used a password manager for many years because I feel that's the best way to maintain different (strong!) passwords for every account. I chose Password Safe when it was one of the only options and stuck with it until a year or so ago. Its one limitation was becoming more and more of an issue: it only runs on Windows and only on a PC. I'm increasingly using Windows on other devices (ex: phone or tablet) or running other operating systems (ex: iOS or Linux), and was unable to access my passwords more and more frequently.

To address that problem, I decided to switch to a cloud-based password manager for access from any platform. Surveying the landscape, there appeared to be many good options (some free, some paid), but I had a fundamental concern about trusting important personal data to someone else. Recent, high-profile hacks of large corporations suggest that some companies don't try all that hard to protect their customers' data. Unfortunately, the incentives aren't there to begin with, and the consequences (to the company) of a breach are fairly small.

Instead, I thought it would be interesting to write my own cloud-based password manager - because at least that way I'd know the author had my best interests at heart. :) On the flip side, I introduce the risk of my own mistake or bug compromising the system. But all software has bugs - so "Better the evil you know (or can manage) than the evil you don't". Good news is that I've taken steps to try to make things more secure; bad news is that it only takes one bug to throw everything out the window...

Hence the disclaimer:

I've tried to ensure PassWeb is safe and secure for normal use in low-risk environments, but do not trust me. Before using PassWeb, you should evaluate it against your unique needs, priorities, threats, and comfort level. If you find a problem or a weakness, please let me know so I can address it - but ultimately you use PassWeb as-is and at your own risk.

With that in mind, I'm open-sourcing PassWeb's code for others to use, play around with, or find bugs in. In addition to being a good way of sharing knowledge and helping others, this will satisfy the requests for code that I've already gotten. :)

Some highlights:

  • PassWeb's client is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and is an offline-enabled single-page application.
  • It runs on all recent browsers (I've tried) and is mobile-friendly so it works well on phones, too.
  • Entries have a title, the name/password for an account, a link to the login page, and a notes section for additional details (like answers to security questions).
  • PassWeb can generate strong, random passwords; use them as-is, tweak them, or ignore them and type your own.
  • The small server component runs on ASP.NET or Node.js (I provide both implementations and a set of unit tests).
  • Data is encrypted via AES/CBC and only ever decrypted on the client (the server never sees the user name or password).
  • The code is small, with few dependencies, and should be easy to audit.

For details, instructions, and the code, visit the GitHub repository:

If you find PassWeb interesting or useful, that's great! If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please tell me. If you find a bug, let me know and I'll try to fix it.

Too liberal a definition of "input" [Raising awareness of a quirk of the input event for text elements with a placeholder on Internet Explorer]

I tracked down a strange problem in a web app recently that turned out to be the result of a browser bug. I wasted some time because searching for info wasn't all that helpful and I wanted to blog the details so I could save someone else a bit of trouble.

The scenario is simple; this application deals with private information and wants to log the user out after a period of inactivity. It does so by listening to the input event of its text boxes and resetting an inactivity timer whenever the user types. (There's similar handling for button clicks, etc..) If the inactivity timer ever fires, the user gets logged out. Because the freshly-loaded application has no private data, there's no need to start the inactivity timer until after the first user input.

This behavior is pretty straightforward and the initial implementation worked as intended. But there was a problem on Internet Explorer (versions 10 and 11): a newly-loaded instance of the app would reload itself even without any input! What turned out to be the issue was that an input element with its placeholder attribute set also had its autofocus attribute set and when IE set focus to that element, it triggered the input event! The app (wrongly) believed the user had interacted with it and started its inactivity timer.

Fortunately, this is not catastrophic because the app fails securely (though more by chance than design). But it's still annoying and a bit of a nuisance...

Trying to detect and ignore the bogus first interaction on a single browser seemed dodgy, so I went with a call to setTimeout to clear the inactivity timer immediately after load on all browsers. Sometimes, this is harmlessly unnecessary; on IE, it undoes the effect of the bogus input event and achieves the desired behavior.

Depending on your scenario, a different approach might be better - the biggest challenge is understanding what's going on in the first place! :)


  • The Internet Explorer team is aware of and acknowledges the issue - you can track its status here

  • I created a simple demonstration:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="">
        <title>Input event behavior for text elements with/out a placeholder</title>
        <!-- Text boxes with/without placeholder text -->
        <input id="without" type="text"/>
        <input id="with" type="text" placeholder="Placeholder" autofocus="autofocus"/>
        <!-- Reference jQuery for convenience -->
        <script src="//"></script>
            // Helper function for logging
            function log(message) {
                $("body").append($("<div>" + message + "</div>"));
            // Handler for the input event
            function onInput(evt) {
                log("input event for element '" + + "', value='" + + "'");
            // Attach input handler to all input elements
            $("input").on("input", onInput);
            // Provide brief context
            log("Click in and out of both text boxes to test your browser.");
            log("If you see an input event immediately on load, that's a bug.");

Avoiding unnecessary dependencies by writing a few lines of code [A simple URL rewrite implementation for Node.js apps under iisnode removes the need for the URL Rewrite module]

As the administrator of multiple computers, I want the machines I run to be as stable and secure as possible. (Duh!) One way I go about that is by not installing anything that isn't absolutely necessary. So whenever I see a dependency that's providing only a tiny bit of functionality, I try to get rid of it. Such was the case with the URL Rewrite module for IIS when I migrated my blog to Node.js.

Aside: I'm not hating: URL Rewrite does some cool stuff, lots of people love it, and it's recommended by Microsoft. However, my sites don't use it, so it represented a new dependency and was therefore something I wanted to avoid. :)

The role URL Rewrite plays in the Node.js scenario is minimal - it points all requests to app.js, passes along the original URL for the Node app to handle, and that's about it. Tomasz Janczuk outlines the recommended configuration in his post Using URL rewriting with node.js applications hosted in IIS using iisnode.


I figured I could do the same thing with a few lines of code by defining a simple IHttpModule implementation in App_Code. So I did! :)

The class I wrote is named IisNodeUrlRewriter and using it is easy. Starting from a working Node.js application on iisnode (refer to Hosting node.js applications in IIS on Windows for guidance), all you need to do is:

  1. Put a copy of IisNodeUrlRewriter.cs in the App_Code folder
  2. Update the site's web.config to load the new module
  3. Profit!

Here's what the relevant part of web.config looks like:

      <add name="IisNodeUrlRewriter" type="IisNodeUrlRewriter"/>


Once enabled and running, IisNodeUrlRewriter rewrites all incoming requests to /app.js except for:

  • Requests at or under /iisnode, iisnode's default log directory
  • Requests at or under /app.js/debug, iisnode's node-inspector entry-point
  • Requests at or under /app.js.debug, the directory iisnode creates to support node-inspector

If you prefer the name server.js, you want to block one of the above paths in production, or you're running Node as part of a larger ASP.NET site (as I do), tweak the code to fit your scenario.


I modified the standard Node.js "hello world" sample to prove everything works and show the original request URL getting passed through:

require("http").createServer(function (req, res) {
    res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" });
    res.end("Requested URL: " + req.url);
}).listen(process.env.PORT, "");
console.log("Server running...");

Sample output:

Requested URL: /app.js
Requested URL: /
Requested URL: /any/path?query=params

I also verified that IIS's default logging of requests remains correct (though you can't tell that from the output above).

Note: I've found that accessing the debug path through IisNodeUrlRewriter can be somewhat finicky and take a few tries to load successfully. I'm not sure why, but because I don't use that functionality, I haven't spent much time investigating.


The implementation of IisNodeUrlRewriter is straightforward and boils down to two calls to HttpContext.RewritePath that leverage ASP.NET's default execution pipeline. One handy thing is the use of HttpContext.Items to save/restore the original URI. One obscure thing is the use of a single regular expression to match all three (actually six!) paths above. (If you're not comfortable with regular expressions or prefer to be more explicit, the relevant check can easily be turned into a set of string comparisons.)

The implementation is included below in its entirety; it ends up being more comments than code! I've also created a GitHub Gist for IisNodeUrlRewriter in case anyone wants to iterate on it or make improvements. (Some ideas: auto-detect the logging/debug paths by parsing web.config/iisnode.yml, use server.js instead of app.js when present, support redirects for only parts of the site, etc.)


// Copyright (c) 2014 by David Anson,
// Released under the MIT license,

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;

/// <summary>
/// An IHttpModule that rewrites all URLs to /app.js (making the original URL available to the Node.js application).
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// For use with Node.js applications running under iisnode on IIS as an alternative to installing the URL Rewrite module.
/// </remarks>
public class IisNodeUrlRewriter : IHttpModule
    /// <summary>
    /// Unique lookup key for the HttpContext.Items dictionary.
    /// </summary>
    private const string ItemsKey_PathAndQuery = "__IisNodeUrlRewriter_PathAndQuery__";

    /// <summary>
    /// Regex matching paths that should not be rewritten.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Specifically: /iisnode(/...) /app.js/debug(/...) and /app.js.debug(/...)
    /// </remarks>
    private Regex _noRewritePaths = new Regex(@"^/(iisnode|app\.js[/\.]debug)(/.*)?$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a module and prepares it to handle requests.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="context">An HttpApplication that provides access to the methods, properties, and events common to all application objects within an ASP.NET application.</param>
    public void Init(HttpApplication context)
        context.BeginRequest += HandleBeginRequest;
        context.PreRequestHandlerExecute += HandlePreRequestHandlerExecute;

    /// <summary>
    /// Occurs as the first event in the HTTP pipeline chain of execution when ASP.NET responds to a request.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
    /// <param name="e">An System.EventArgs that contains no event data.</param>
    private void HandleBeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Get context
        var application = (HttpApplication)sender;
        var context = application.Context;

        // Rewrite all paths *except* those to the default log directory or those used for debugging
        if (!_noRewritePaths.IsMatch(context.Request.Path))
            // Save original path
            context.Items[ItemsKey_PathAndQuery] = context.Request.Url.PathAndQuery;

            // Rewrite path

    /// <summary>
    /// Occurs just before ASP.NET starts executing an event handler (for example, a page or an XML Web service).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
    /// <param name="e">An System.EventArgs that contains no event data.</param>
    private void HandlePreRequestHandlerExecute(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Get context
        var application = (HttpApplication)sender;
        var context = application.Context;

        // Restore original path (if present)
        var originalPath = context.Items[ItemsKey_PathAndQuery] as string;
        if (null != originalPath)

    /// <summary>
    /// Disposes of the resources (other than memory) used by the module that implements IHttpModule.
    /// </summary>
    public void Dispose()
        // Nothing to do here; implementation of this method is required by IHttpModule

It's not much of a prompt if the user can't see it [Raising awareness of window.prompt's troublesome behavior in Internet Explorer on Windows 8]

For as long as people have been running scripts on web pages, window.prompt has been a simple way to get user input. Although it rarely offers the ideal user experience, simplicity and ubiquity make window.prompt a good way ask the user a question and get a simple response. And as part of the HTML5 specification, you know you can trust window.prompt with all your cross-browser prompting needs!

Well, unless you're running the metro/immersive/Windows Store/non-desktop version of Internet Explorer on Windows 8.

Then you're in trouble.

You see, window.prompt has a strange implementation in immersive IE on Windows 8.x: it doesn't actually prompt the user. Instead, it silently returns undefined without doing anything! To make matters worse, this behavior doesn't seem to be documented.

The result is a certain amount of surprise and workarounds by people who rely on window.prompt behaving as specified.

Unfortunately, this is the kind of thing you don't know is broken until a customer reports a problem. :( But fortunately, once you know about this behavior, you can detect it and take steps to accommodate it. I got burned recently, so I've written this post to raise awareness in the hope that I can save some of you a bit of trouble.

In brief, there are three classes of behavior for window.prompt in Internet Explorer on Windows 8:

User Action Return value
Provide a response string (possibly empty)
Cancel the prompt null
Running immersive IE undefined (no prompt)

If this post helps just one person, I'll consider it a success. :)

Aside: While the choice of undefined for the immersive IE scenario is a reasonable one (it being a "falsy" value like null), I first thought it was at odds with the HTML5 specification. But on closer reading I think this behavior falls outside the specification which only concerns itself with scenarios where the prompt is displayed. So while I'd say immersive IE is violating the spec by not showing the prompt, its use of undefined as a return value is sensible and valid. :)

Further aside: If you think the chart above is all you need, you may still be in for a surprise. This page claims the Opera browser returns undefined when a user cancels the prompt - a violation of (my understanding of) the HTML5 specification.