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Posts tagged "Node.js"

Oops, I did it again [A rewrite of my website/blog platform - now public, open-source, and on GitHub as simple-website-with-blog]

Almost 5 years ago, I moved my blog (and website) from a hosted environment to a Node.js implementation of my own creation. At the time, I was new to Node and this was a great way to learn. That code has served me well, but over time I've found a few things I wanted to change - in part due to the rapid growth of the Node platform. Some of the changes were foundational, so I chose to do a rewrite instead of multiple revisions.

The rewrite ended up taking about twice as long as I anticipated, but I'm glad I did it. The new architecture is similar to what it was before - and the user interface almost identical - but there are some nice improvements and modernizations under the hood. Of note, the rendering was separated so it's easy to customize (there are samples for a text blog and a photo blog; the unit tests are implemented as a blog, too), search is much more powerful (with inclusion, exclusion, partial matches, etc.), and the code is simplified by the removal of some undue complexity (mostly features I thought were neat but that added little). Finally, because the new project was written to be reused for other purposes and by other people, I'm able to share it.

For context, the project goals are:

  • An easy way to create a simple, secure website with a blog
  • Support for text-based and photo-based blog formats
  • Easy authoring in HTML, Markdown (with code formatting), or JSON
  • Ordering of posts by publish date or content date
  • Easy customization of site layout and formatting
  • High resolution (2x) support for photo blog images
  • Support for Windows and Linux hosting with Node.js
  • Simple post format that separates content and metadata
  • Ability to author hidden posts and schedule a publish date
  • Ability to create posts that never show up in the timeline
  • Support for archive links and tagging of posts by category
  • Quick search of post content, including simple search queries
  • Automatic Twitter and Open Graph metadata for social media
  • Automatic cross-linking of related posts
  • No JavaScript requirement for client browsers

To learn more about the code, its dependencies, and how to use it, please visit: simple-website-with-blog on GitHub

To see it in action, just browse this blog and site. :)

It depends... [A look at the footprint of popular Node.js command-line parsing packages]

In a recent discussion of the Node.js ecosystem, I opined that packages with a large number of dependencies contribute to excessive disk space use by apps that reference them.

But I didn't have data to back that claim up, so I made some measurements to find out. Command-line argument parsing is a common need and there are a variety of packages to make it easier. I found nine of the most popular and installed each into a new, blank project as a standard dependency item in package.json via npm install. Then I counted the number of direct dependencies for that package, the total (transitive) number of packages that end up being installed, and the size (in bytes) of disk space consumed (on Windows). I tabulated the results below and follow with a few observations.

Important: I made no attempt to assess the quality or usefulness of these packages. They are all popular and each offers a different approach to the problem. Some are feature-rich, while others offer a simple API. I am not promoting or critiquing any of them; rather, I am using the aggregate as a source of data.

Package Popularity Direct Dependencies Transitive Dependencies Size on Disk
argparse 494 1 2 152,661
commander 18865 0 1 48,328
command-line-args 677 3 5 237,789
dashdash 156 1 2 94,377
meow 2344 10 43 455,525
minimatch 2335 1 4 57,803
minimist 8490 0 1 31,151
nomnom 549 2 6 119,237
yargs 7516 12 44 576,724

These metrics were captured on 2017-11-25 and may have changed by the time you read this.


  • The two most popular packages are the smallest on disk and have no dependencies; the third and fourth most popular are the biggest and have the most dependencies.
  • Packages with fewer dependencies tend to have the smallest size; those with the most dependencies have the largest.
  • The difference between the extremes of direct dependency count is about 10x.
  • The difference between extremes for transitive dependency count is about 40x.
  • The difference between disk space extremes is about 20x.

While this was a simple experiment that doesn't represent the whole Node ecosystem, it seems reasonable to conclude that:

Similar packages can exhibit differences of an order of magnitude (or more) in dependency count and size. If that matters for your scenario, measure before you choose!

For my part, I tend to resist taking on additional dependencies when possible and prefer using dependencies that adhere to the same principle. Reinventing the wheel is wasteful, of course - but sometimes less is more and it's good to keep complexity to a minimum.

Binary Log OBjects, gotta download 'em all! [A simple tool to download blobs from an Azure container]

The latest in a series of "I didn't want to write a thing, but couldn't find another thing that already did exactly what I wanted, which is probably because I'm too picky, but whatever" projects, azure-blob-container-download (a.k.a. abcd) is a simple, command-line tool to download all the blobs in an Azure storage container. Here's how it's described in the README:

A simple, cross-platform tool to bulk-download blobs from an Azure storage container.

Though limited in scope, it does a specific set of things vs. the official tools:

The motivation for this project was the same as with my previous post about getting an HTTPS certificate: I've migrated my website from a virtual machine to an Azure Web App. And while it's easy to enable logging for a Web App and get hourly log files in the W3C Extended Log File Format, it wasn't obvious to me how to parse those logs offline to measure traffic, referrers, etc.. (Although that's not something I've bothered with up to now, it's an ability I'd like to have.) What I wanted was a trustworthy, cross-platform tool to download all those log files to a local machine - but the options I investigated each seemed to be missing something.

So I wrote a simple Node.JS CLI and gave it a few extra features to make my life easier. The code is fairly compact and straightforward (and the dependencies minimal), so it's easy to audit. The complete options for downloading and filtering are:

Usage: abcd [options]

  --account           Storage account (or set AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT)  [string]
  --key               Storage access key (or set AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY)  [string]
  --containerPattern  Regular expression filter for container names  [string]
  --blobPattern       Regular expression filter for blob names  [string]
  --startDate         Starting date for blobs  [string]
  --endDate           Ending date for blobs  [string]
  --snapshots         True to include blob snapshots  [boolean]
  --version           Show version number  [boolean]
  --help              Show help  [boolean]

Download blobs from an Azure container.

Azure Web Apps create a new log file every hour, so they add up quickly; abcd's date filtering options make it easy to perform incremental downloads. The default directory structure (based on / separators) is collapsed during download, so all files end up in the same directory (named by container) and ordered by date. The tool limits itself to one download at a time, so things proceed at a steady, moderate pace. Once blobs have finished downloading, you're free to do with them as you please. :)

Find out more on the GitHub project page for azure-blob-container-download.

Respect my securitah! [The check-pages suite now prefers HTTPS and includes a CLI]

There are many best practices to keep in mind when maintaining a web site, so it's helpful to have tools that check for common mistakes. I've previously written about two Node.js packages I created for this purpose, check-pages and grunt-check-pages, both of which can be easily integrated into an automated workflow. I updated them recently and wish to highlight two aspects.


There's a movement underway to make the Internet safer, and one of the best ways is to use the secure HTTPS protocol when browsing the web. Not all sites support HTTPS, but many do, and it's good to link to the secure version of a page when available. The trick is knowing when that's possible - especially for links created long ago or before a site was updated to support HTTPS. That's where the new --preferSecure option comes in: it raises an error whenever a page links to potentially-secure content insecurely. Scanning a site with the --checkLinks/--preferSecure option enabled is now an easy way to identify links that could be updated to provide a safer browsing experience.

Aside: The moarTLS Chrome extension does a similar thing in the browser; check it out!


check-pages is easy to integrate into an automated workflow, but sometimes it's nice to run one-off tests or experiment interactively with a site's configuration. To that end, I created a simple command-line wrapper that exposes all the check-pages functionality (including --preferSecure) in a way that's easy to use on the platform/shell of your choice. Simply install it via npm, point it at the page(s) of interest, and review the list of possible issues. Here's the output of the --help command:

Usage: check-pages <page URLs> [options]

  --checkLinks        Validates each link on a page  [boolean]
  --checkCaching      Validates Cache-Control/ETag  [boolean]
  --checkCompression  Validates Content-Encoding  [boolean]
  --checkXhtml        Validates page structure  [boolean]

checkLinks options:
  --linksToIgnore     List of URLs to ignore  [array]
  --noEmptyFragments  Fails for empty fragments  [boolean]
  --noLocalLinks      Fails for local links  [boolean]
  --noRedirects       Fails for HTTP redirects  [boolean]
  --onlySameDomain    Ignores links to other domains  [boolean]
  --preferSecure      Verifies HTTPS when available  [boolean]
  --queryHashes       Verifies query string file hashes  [boolean]

  --summary          Summarizes issues after running  [boolean]
  --terse            Results on one line, no progress  [boolean]
  --maxResponseTime  Response timeout (milliseconds)  [number]
  --userAgent        Custom User-Agent header  [string]
  --version          Show version number  [boolean]
  --help             Show help  [boolean]

Checks various aspects of a web page for correctness.

Catch common Markdown mistakes as you make them [markdownlint is a Visual Studio Code extension to lint Markdown files]

The lightweight, cross-platform Visual Studio Code editor recently gained support for extensions, third party packages that add or enhance capabilities of the tool. Of particular interest to me are linters, syntax checkers that help avoid mistakes and maintain consistency when working with a language (either code or markup). I've previously written about markdownlint, a Node.js linter for the Markdown markup language. After looking at the VS Code API, it seemed straightforward to create a markdownlint extension for Code. I did so and published markdownlint to the extension gallery where it can be installed via the command ext install markdownlint. What's nice about editor integration for a linter is that feedback is immediate and interactive: mistakes are highlighted as they're made and it's easy to click a link for information about any rule violation.

If linting Markdown is something that interests you, please try the markdownlint extension for VS Code and share your feedback!

Not romantically binding [promise-ring wraps Node.js callbacks with native ES6 Promises]

JavaScript Promises are a powerful way of working with asynchronous code. They make sequencing operations easy and offer a clear, predictable way to handle errors that might occur along the way. Much has been written about the benefits of Promises and I won't try to repeat it here.

What I do hope to do is make Promises a slightly more natural part of the Node.js development experience. In version 0.12.* (as well as in io.js), ES6 Promises are natively available. But the standard set of modules (such as File System) still use their original callback-based design and there's a bit of a disconnect between how you might want to write something and how you're able to. Fortunately, most of the Promise libraries that are already available include wrappers to convert callback-based functions into ones that return a Promise. However, most of those libraries assume you'll be using their custom implementation of Promise (from the "olden days" when that was the only option). And while different Promises/A+ implementations are meant to be interoperable, it seems silly to pull in a second Promise implementation when a perfectly good one is already available.

That's where promise-ring comes in: it's a tiny npm package that provides functions to convert typical callback-based APIs into their Promise-based counterparts using the V8 JavaScript engine's native Promise implementation. Briefly:

promise-ring is small, simple library with no dependencies that eases the use of native JavaScript Promises in projects without a Promise library.

Documentation is available in the README along with runnable samples demonstrating the use of each API. It's all quite simple and exactly what you'd expect. A bonus feature is the wrapAll function which makes it easier to work with modules that expose many different callback-based functions (such as the File System module; see below).

For an example of using promise-ring and Promises to simplify code, here is a typical callback-based snippet to copy a file onto itself:

var fs = require("fs");

// Copy a file onto itself using callbacks
fs.stat(file, function(err) {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    fs.readFile(file, encoding, function(errr, content) {
      if (errr) {
      } else {
        fs.writeFile(file, content, encoding, function(errrr) {
          if (errrr) {
          } else {
            console.log("Copied " + file);

And here's the same code converted to use Promises via promise-ring:

var pr = require("promise-ring");
var fsp = pr.wrapAll(require("fs"));

// Copy a file onto itself using Promises
  .then(function() {
    return fsp.readFile(file, encoding);
  .then(function(content) {
    return fsp.writeFile(file, content, encoding);
  .then(function() {
    console.log("Copied " + file);

The second implementation is more concise, easier to follow, and DRY-er. That's the power of Promises! :)

Find out more by visiting promise-ring on GitHub or promise-ring in the npm gallery.

Lint-free documentation [markdownlint is a Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown files]

I'm a strong believer in using static analysis tools to identify problems and catch mistakes. The Node.js/io.js community has some great options for linting JavaScript code (ex: JSHint and ESLint), and I use them regularly. But code isn't the only important asset - documentation can be just as important to a project's success.

The open-source community has pretty much standardized on Markdown for documentation which is a great choice because it's easy to read, write, and understand. That said, Markdown has a syntax, so there are "right" and "wrong" ways to do things - and not all parsers handle nuances the same way (though the CommonMark effort is trying to standardize). In particular, there are constructs that can lead to missing/broken text in some parsers but which are not obviously wrong in the original Markdown.

To show what I mean, I created a Gist of common Markdown mistakes. If you're not a Markdown expert, you might learn something by comparing the source and output. :)

Aside: The Markdown parser used by GitHub is quite good - but many issues are user error and it can't (yet) read your mind.


You shouldn't need to be a Markdown expert to avoid silly mistakes - that's what we have computers for. When I looked around for a Node-based linter, I didn't see anything - but I did find a very nice implementation for Ruby by Mark Harrison. I don't tend to have Ruby available in my development environment, but I had an itch to scratch, so I installed it and added a couple of rules to Mark's tool for the checks I wanted. Mark kindly accepted the corresponding pull requests, and all was well.

Except that once I'd tasted of the fruit of Markdown linting, I wanted to integrate it into other workflows - many of which are exclusively Node-based. I briefly entertained the idea of creating a Node package to install Ruby then use it to install and run a Ruby gem - but that made my head hurt...


So I prototyped a Node version of markdownlint by porting a few rules over and then ran the idea by Mark. He was supportive (and raised some great points!), so I gradually ported the rest of the rules to JavaScript with the same numbering/naming system to make it easy for people to migrate between the two tools. Mark already had a fantastic test infrastructure and great documentation for rules, so I shamelessly reused both in the Node version. Configuration for JavaScript tools is typically JSON, so the Node version uses a slightly different format than Ruby (though both are simple/obvious). I started with a fully asynchronous API for efficiency, but ended up adding a synchronous version for scenarios where that's more convenient. I strived to achieve functional parity with the Ruby implementation (and continue to do so as Mark makes updates!), but duplicating the CLI was a non-goal (please have a look at the mdl gem if that's what you need).

If this sounds interesting, please have a look at markdownlint on GitHub. As of this writing, it supports the same set of ~40 rules that the Ruby implementation does - you can read all about them in Mark's fantastic markdownlint exposes a single API which can be called in an asynchronous or synchronous manner and accepts an options object to identify the files/strings to lint and the set of rules to apply. It returns a simple object that lists the items that were checked along with the line numbers for any violations. The documentation shows of all of this and includes examples of calling markdownlint from both gulp and Grunt.


To make sure markdownlint works well, I've integrated it into some of my own projects, including this blog which I wrote specifically to allow authoring in Markdown. That's a nice start, but it doesn't prove markdownlint can handle larger projects with significant documentation written by different people at different times. For that you'd need to integrate with a project like ESLint which has extensive documentation that's entirely Markdown-based.

So I did. :) Supporting ESLint was one of the motivating factors behind porting markdownlint to Node in the first place: I love the tool and use it in all my projects. The documentation is excellent, but every now and then I'd come across weird or broken text. After submitting a couple of pull requests with fixes, I decided adding a Markdown linter to their test script would be a better way to keep typos out of the documentation. It turns out this was on the team's radar as well, and they - especially project owner Nicholas - were very helpful and accommodating as I introduced markdownlint and tweaked things to satisfy some of the rules.


At this point, maybe I've convinced you markdownlint works for my own purposes and that it works for some other purposes, but it's likely you have special requirements or would like to "try before you buy". (Which seems an ironic thing to say about free software, but there's a cost to everything, so maybe it's not that unreasonable after all.) Well, I have just the thing for you:

An interactive markdownlint demo that runs in the browser!

Although browser support was not (is not!) a goal, the relevant code is all JavaScript with just one dependency (that itself offers browser support) and only two methods that need polyfills (trimLeft/trimRight). So it was actually fairly straightforward (with some help from Browserify) to create a standalone, offline-enabled web page that lets anyone use a (modern) browser to experiment with markdownlint and validate arbitrary content. To make it super easy to get started, I made some deliberate mistakes in the sample content for the demo - feel free to fix them for me. :)


In summary:

  • Markdown is great
  • It's easy to read and write
  • Sometimes it doesn't do what you think
  • There are tools to help
  • markdownlint is one of them
  • Get it for Ruby or Node
  • Or try it in the browser

Extensibility is a wonderful thing [A set of Visual Studio Code tasks for common npm functionality in Node.js and io.js]

Yesterday at its Build conference, Microsoft released the Visual Studio Code editor which is a lightweight, cross-platform tool for building web and cloud applications. I've been using internal releases for a while and highly recommend trying it out!

One thing I didn't know about until yesterday was support for Tasks to automate common steps like build and testing. As the documentation shows, there's already knowledge of common build frameworks, including gulp for Node.js and io.js. But for simple Node projects I like to automate via npm's scripts because they're simple and make it easy to integrate with CI systems like Travis. So I whipped up a simple tasks.json for Code that handles build, test, and lint for typical npm configurations. I've included it below for anyone who's interested.

Note: Thanks to metadata, the build and test tasks are recognized as such by Code and easily run with the default hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+B and Ctrl+Shift+T.



  "version": "0.1.0",
  "command": "npm",
  "isShellCommand": true,
  "suppressTaskName": true,
  "tasks": [
      // Build task, Ctrl+Shift+B
      // "npm install --loglevel info"
      "taskName": "install",
      "isBuildCommand": true,
      "args": ["install", "--loglevel", "info"]
      // Test task, Ctrl+Shift+T
      // "npm test"
      "taskName": "test",
      "isTestCommand": true,
      "args": ["test"]
      // "npm run lint"
      "taskName": "lint",
      "args": ["run", "lint"]

Updated 2015-05-02: Added --loglevel info to npm install for better progress reporting

Updated 2016-02-27: Added isShellCommand, suppressTaskName, and updated args to work with newer versions of VS Code

Supporting both sides of the Grunt vs. Gulp debate [check-pages is a Gulp-friendly task to check various aspects of a web page for correctness]

A few months ago, I wrote about grunt-check-pages, a Grunt task to check various aspects of a web page for correctness. I use grunt-check-pages when developing my blog and have found it very handy for preventing mistakes and maintaining consistency.

Two things have changed since then:

  1. I released multiple enhancements to grunt-check-pages that make it more powerful
  2. I extracted its core functionality into the check-pages package which works well with Gulp


First, an overview of the improvements; here's the change log for grunt-check-pages:

  • 0.1.0 - Initial release, support for checkLinks and checkXhtml.
  • 0.1.1 - Tweak README for better formatting.
  • 0.1.2 - Support page-only mode (no link or XHTML checks), show response time for requests.
  • 0.1.3 - Support maxResponseTime option, buffer all page responses, add "no-cache" header to requests.
  • 0.1.4 - Support checkCaching and checkCompression options, improve error handling, use gruntMock.
  • 0.1.5 - Support userAgent option, weak entity tags, update nock dependency.
  • 0.2.0 - Support noLocalLinks option, rename disallowRedirect option to noRedirects, switch to ESLint, update superagent and nock dependencies.
  • 0.3.0 - Support queryHashes option for CRC-32/MD5/SHA-1, update superagent dependency.
  • 0.4.0 - Rename onlySameDomainLinks option to onlySameDomain, fix handling of redirected page links, use page order for links, update all dependencies.
  • 0.5.0 - Show location of redirected links with noRedirects option, switch to crc-hash dependency.
  • 0.6.0 - Support summary option, update crc-hash, grunt-eslint, nock dependencies.
  • 0.6.1 - Add badges for automated build and coverage info to README (along with npm, GitHub, and license).
  • 0.6.2 - Switch from superagent to request, update grunt-eslint and nock dependencies.
  • 0.7.0 - Move task implementation into reusable check-pages package.
  • 0.7.1 - Fix misreporting of "Bad link" for redirected links when noRedirects enabled.

There are now more things you can validate and better diagnostics during validation. For information about the various options, visit the grunt-check-pages package in the npm repository.


Secondly, I started looking into Gulp as an alternative to Grunt. My blog's Gruntfile.js is the most complicated I have, so I tried converting it to a gulpfile.js. Conveniently, existing packages supported everything I already do (test, LESS, lint) - though not what I use grunt-check-pages for (no surprise).

Clearly, the next step was to create a version of the task for Gulp - but it turns out that's not necessary! Gulp's task structure is simple enough that invoking standard asynchronous helpers is easy to do inline. So all I really needed was to factor out the core functionality into a reusable method.

Here's how that looks:

 * Checks various aspects of a web page for correctness.
 * @param {object} host Specifies the environment.
 * @param {object} options Configures the task.
 * @param {function} done Callback function.
 * @returns {void}
module.exports = function(host, options, done) { ... }

With that in place, it's easy to invoke check-pages - whether from a Gulp task or something else entirely. The host parameter handles log/error messages (pass console for convenience), options configures things in the usual fashion, and the done callback gets called at the end (with an Error parameter if anything went wrong).

Like so:

var gulp = require("gulp");
var checkPages = require("check-pages");

gulp.task("checkDev", [ "start-development-server" ], function(callback) {
  var options = {
    pageUrls: [
    checkLinks: true,
    onlySameDomain: true,
    queryHashes: true,
    noRedirects: true,
    noLocalLinks: true,
    linksToIgnore: [
    checkXhtml: true,
    checkCaching: true,
    checkCompression: true,
    maxResponseTime: 200,
    userAgent: 'custom-user-agent/1.2.3',
    summary: true
  checkPages(console, options, callback);

gulp.task("checkProd", function(callback) {
  var options = {
    pageUrls: [
    checkLinks: true,
    maxResponseTime: 500
  checkPages(console, options, callback);

As a result, grunt-check-pages has become a thin wrapper over check-pages and there's no duplication between the two packages (though each has a complete set of tests just to be safe). For information about the options above, visit the check-pages package in the npm repository.


The combined effect is that I'm able to do a better job validating web site updates and I can use whichever of Grunt or Gulp feels more appropriate for a given scenario. That's good for peace of mind - and a great way to become more familiar with both tools!

Everything old is new again [crc-hash is a Node.js Crypto Hash implementation for the CRC algorithm]

Yep, another post about hash functions... True, I could have stopped when I implemented CRC-32 for .NET or when I implemented MD5 for Silverlight. Certainly, sharing the code for four versions of ComputeFileHashes could have been a good laurel upon which to rest.

But then I started using Node.js, and found one more hash-oriented itch to scratch. :)

From the project page:

Node.js's Crypto module implements the Hash class which offers a simple Stream-based interface for creating hash digests of data. The createHash function supports many popular algorithms like SHA and MD5, but does not include older/simpler CRC algorithms like CRC-32. Fortunately, the crc package in npm provides comprehensive CRC support and offers an API that can be conveniently used by a Hash subclass.

crc-hash is a Crypto Hash wrapper for the crc package that makes it easy for Node.js programs to use the CRC family of hash algorithms via a standard interface.

With just one (transitive!) dependency, crc-hash is lightweight. Because it exposes a common interface, it's easy to integrate with existing scenarios. Thanks to crc, it offers support for all the popular CRC algorithms. You can learn more on the crc-hash npm page or the crc-hash GitHub page.


  • One of the great things about the Node community is the breadth of packages available. In this case, I was able to leverage the comprehensive crc package by alexgorbatchev for all the algorithmic bits.
  • After being indifferent on the topic of badges, I discovered and its elegance won me over. You can see the five badges I picked near the top of on the npm/GitHub pages above.